
Some of my creations.

My Photo
Location: Seeduwa, Western Province, Sri Lanka

A simple life style, an open mind, and quiet thinking are my principles.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Blackie, Our Pet

You came to us uninvited &
lived with us for a short time.
During which you came closer to our hearts
In a manner sublime

You had neither high pedigree
Nor a big name to boast
But there was an unmatched quality
Of innocence we liked most

You were a friend so real
And you loved us so true
Than the so called ‘friends’
Who proved they were untrue

You left us unexpectedly
Making us blue for a while
Good bye our Dear Blackie
May you live long in the next life!

25th September 2004

The Last Lesson

The Final Lesson

Mind matter and brain
Stars Lightening and rain
We learned in this class
With joy and interest

English we learned
And galaxies explored
Many things we learned
Making minds expand

Nothing is permanent
Everything changes
Time is flying by
Leaving us behind

We have come to a cross road
Where we go in separate ways
But take with you
What you have learned

Whenever you look at stars
Whenever you see lightening
Whenever you are in the temple
Remember what you learned in this class

Be candles to the world
Live in the way of Dhamma
Never give in to lower things
Persist what we have learned

Leading a good life
Be a light to the world
Expel myth and delusion
From your little worlds

You were keen students
I enjoyed being a teacher
I wish you every success
And good things in life

If you learned good things
If you feel your mind expanded
If you are helped with my lessons
Then I feel satisfied

It is time to leave
But next life we believe
Perhaps again we meet
In the life’s journey

Make a wish with your minds
That will come true for sure
Let me be your teacher
In the next life again.
